Auntie's book was 8th grade reading level. Uneventful, fact-of-the-matter, nondescript re-tellings that sound more like bullet points. There is no humor. He just straight up explained himself like a wikipedia article, but written in the first person. And missing a lot of moments and context.
"It was 3AM, and there I was, wandering around Times Square by myself. I knew it was risky, but that night, I had an itch my anal egg just couldn't scratch. I needed the real thing, and it had to be tranny cock, so at least it wasn't full-on, 100% gay. That would come later, but at that time, I was still just beginning to sow my burgeoning bottom queen oats.
Then I spotted one. She was a fucking nigger, but I figured it'd be dark, and she'd be behind me anyway. Plus I knew there was a better than fair chance she was hung like a horse, and I was increasingly cock-starved. I reached into my pocket and began fondling my wad of cash, then I approached her."
"How much to top me for an hour?" I squealed.
"What did you say, motherfucker?"
I instantly knew I'd made a mistake. She was no tranny. She was just a woman, a bung rot, stink bitch nigger whore. "Um, I thought you were someone else" I shyly squeaked.
"YOU THOUGHT I WAS ONE OF THESE TRANNY FUCKING WHORES? YOU WHITE FAGGOT! I SHOULD FUCKING KILL YOU!" she screamed, and began hitting me with her bag. I cowered away, but she kept swinging and screaming "faggot" over and over. As I tried to ward off her blows, from the corner of my eye, I could see a group or three or four other FNs. They were pointing and laughing at me. My ears burned hot with shame as I finally scurried away from the negress, with the FN's derisive laughter ringing in my ears. "That wasn't even their show" I sniffed through my tears, as I ran home, totally humiliated and shamed.
I got back to my apartment, ate two Xanax bars, and washed them down with a cold Bud Light. Then, just like my father, I became angry in hindsight, furious over the humiliation I suffered. Then a horrible thought crossed my mind...what if that FN recognized me, and told the world I mistook her for a tranny prostitute?
Quaking with rage, I opened my Twitter app, and launched a preemptive strike that would forever alter my career and future. "BUNG ROT FUCK NIGGER STINK CUNT THAT'S WHAT SHE WAS!" I tweeted, in a delirious panic-stricken rage. Within hours I was no longer a radio jock, and never would be again"
That's how the book should have started. Tell me you wouldn't keep reading after that.