The decline of the British empire is pretty much directly proportional to the demise of alcohol rations in the armed services. Rum rations for the Royal Navy, gin for the Army, all through the 17th, 18th and 19th century, to go with their bully beef and biscuits. Not a lot, just enough to keep them half pissed all the time. That was the secret.He can still get a concussion. Those glasses are stout. The second part of your theory is fun… however glassing is also a common occurrence in Australia, where most white people are ethnically English, it’s pretty clear where said past time came from, England. The English use the crown as a claim they’re sophisticated. Historically they’re the most barbaric white ethnicity there is. No debate to that either.
"Here lads, let's sail across this ocean and find some darkies to run over and steal their stuff. We'll build em some railways and show them the ways of Christ. It'll be a fair exchange for their rubber and tea and gold and stuff. Let's go!"
You'd have to be drunk to think you could pull that off, but not drunk enough that you couldn't.
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