Pat sees an old friend

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Nazi Rally = Anti Pedo Rally

If it actually was even close to a “Nazi rally” it would have made the news. These faggots just call everyone they don’t like a Nazi.
Its statements like that make pat an unreliable narrator. He cant help but lie and sensationalize everything and this is so easy to disprove. There is video of it all and pat was the only one being aggressive.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I think I remember one of the fat dykes bodied him out of the way from starting an altercation. I bet he was armed at the time too. He's just itching to kill, what a sick motherfucker
Pat wanted so bad to get into a fight that day. He really thought he was being a hero. All he did was make the situation worse. Just like everything he in involved with.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Pat's such an actual tough guy that all he could do was shove his phone in the guy's face, hoping he would swing first. Dude was so unbothered by the whole thing and all Pat could do was flip him off while making his patented no upper lip retard face in an ill-fitting pink shirt.
He thought he was "getting even" by trying to record him back. Thats some shit Karens do when they are arguing over a parking spot at the grocery store. Everything pat does has Fat Girl energy. He is the opposite of masculine.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
He thought he was "getting even" by trying to record him back. Thats some shit Karens do when they are arguing over a parking spot at the grocery store. Everything pat does has Fat Girl energy. He is the opposite of masculine.
I wonder if he still has the video? Does he watch on particularly stressful days and tells himself he's a winner?