Pat attacking Leslie and Other Women Again


Stand Alone Fruit
He must be hung over from celebrated Trump last night because hes in a bad mood oinking up a storm






Remember - just this week Jackie and Pat claimed it’s not because of Norm and because of his progressive politics he is getting “attacked”

She was told by multiple people in her industry? Shane, Jackie, Hildy, and the other bums are not in her industry stupid. She had an actual career - you HAD one but ruined it by being such an asshole, Pat.


Stand Alone Fruit
"Good faith" to Patrick just means "You'll swallow my story whole without questioning it at all and validate me as a victim". This is exactly why he hates Leslie so much, she wouldn't do that.
The one who posted the popcorn gif is another woman in the industry that sees through pats BS like Leslie. It drives him nuts that he’s ruined his own career for being such an insane asshole.


Stand Alone Fruit
Was just going to write this. No one comments on his shit or seems to care. I’m sure Rick has a ton of pull in the industry these days. Only the top dogs do panels where there are more panelists than audience members
In his mind he still thinks he’s that guy that just signed his 2nd three book contract years ago with industry connections and bigger authors aware of his work.

Now it’s 2024 and that contract ended years ago, his books didn’t sell so he is back at the bottom writing on spec and nobody is looking to sign him. Authors used to defend him but they’ve all cut ties or avoid him because he’s his own worst enemy. His only defenders are now complete loser writers - guys they self publish and have maybe sold 10 books total and books are only online because it’s a waste of money to print them.

He’s a complete joke to his peers and even the people that did defend him admit he’s an abusive asshole which is why he’s brought all this hell on his career.

Plus he’s fat.

N64 Cube

Patrick S. Tomlinson staring as “Liquor Pig”
He must be hung over from celebrated Trump last night because hes in a bad mood oinking up a storm
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Remember - just this week Jackie and Pat claimed it’s not because of Norm and because of his progressive politics he is getting “attacked”

She was told by multiple people in her industry? Shane, Jackie, Hildy, and the other bums are not in her industry stupid. She had an actual career - you HAD one but ruined it by being such an asshole, Pat.
This one cracks me up. The first one he starts going off on some random person.

Then thinks, "Well fuck. Maybe they have no idea, maybe I spoke too soon. Time for some damage control."

How come Rick never posts actual evidence? Never on X (the lies he pushed to media outlets don't count), not even in his legal documents. Nothing, just "believe me, child". Here's a tip for Titty Two Chins: people will be more inclined to believe you if you post evidence. Oh wait, you won't because it's all lies. Lose some weight. Leslie has big wonderful beefers.
He must be hung over from celebrated Trump last night because hes in a bad mood oinking up a storm
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"You have chosen to end your career"

Says the guy who hasn't published a book in almost four years. And his only completed book that is out there seeking publication is in a different genre than he normally writes in. And it's also the stupidest fucking piece of frivolity possible.

Pat, your career is over. You are a scrub woman these days with your Airbnb, up to your elbows in cum-stained linens and inside-the-bowl shit cakes. Pop a doo rag and an apron on, Uncle Jemima. You're a housewife.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
I'm going to get you fired by my tweets that get next to zero engagement.
And she's a publisher so he has zero ability to effect her business. The only authors that would refuse to submit to her company are talentless blue hairs or grandstanding published authors who don't need to.


Stand Alone Fruit
And she's a publisher so he has zero ability to effect her business. The only authors that would refuse to submit to her company are talentless blue hairs or grandstanding published authors who don't need to.
His only supporters are complete bottom of the barrel authors. Guys that are nowhere even close to ever getting any kind of contract, that JD Avatar guy has one book he put out almost 10 years ago and only 1 review on Amazon. His fb author fan page has a total of 4 likes and Hildy has some self published trash called “The Scotty”

Game Over, Pat.