Opie’s Cake Incident is Going Viral (Again)

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile

and of course some Gen Z pig, has an issue with it.
15 years ago, and people still are tying to get Opie fired?


NYC Mayor
Opie is evergreen. He created an environment where stupidity was encouraged, and nobody was taking themselves seriously UNTIL it was well warranted -- When someone was trying to talk bad about the show and hurt O&A's image, or dismiss them.. Then Opie was the backbone of the show, whereas Anthony and Norton would have tough-typed it after the fact of being beaten by a nigwhore. (Sidenote: Opie never got alpha-maled by a black prostitute.)

Anthony and Norton were along for the ride. In fact, Opie is the only reason O&A ever went viral anywhere BEFORE that term was even used.

It was Opie's idea to prank call businesses in Boston and read sexual terminology out of a medical dictionary. Thus the "Butt Plug" prank that Anthony did ( which was only 1 of dozens they did, Opie included, that were great) and this clip went viral on Limewire in the late 90s always labeled as Adam Sandler or something stupid like that.

April Fools 1998 was orchestrated entirely by Opie, with Anthony like the dopey sidekick, Like Max for The Grinch, a dopey little dog at his side just going along. Opie plotted their negotiations in NYC to upgrade their status. This was their first forray into truly outrageous publicity stunts.. You have to setup a few hacky bra bombings before you hit your stride and start getting things done FOR REAL.

The level of outrage after Opie's commanding of The De-Wigging of stlaker Patti was on par with April Fools 98 and then later Sex in the Church... But since it was Loser Patti, everyone let it slide. This would be the big clip to post if one wanted to push Opie over the top even more in publicity.

The Poker Chips was another "off the cuff" moment of Opie brilliance that just came to him on the spot and would continue to pay in dividends over the years.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Ariel Melton despite being horrendous looking is what is wrong with society today. No research, no care that she may come across as ignorant publicly just instead tags company, tries to get someone fired who hasn't been there in over a half decade and is offended over footage from what was it again, 05? 06?
Shes a real cunt