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I may be underestimating the market, I am just basing it off the interest in both Opie and Ant post O&A which is really quite low, Cumia with his under 5k subscribers, Opie streaming to a few hundred people maximum.
Why would you watch a Half A Show? That's not Opie & Anthony, neither show is even presented contextually like O&A was. The interest in O&A is very high, especially compared to other podcasts, which The DMAN has probably said 3 or 4 times now in this fucking thread and probably in his previous posts to you specifically and it's getting pretty irritating being a visionary who sees it coming and has to tolerate all you Naysaying White Niggers acting like this isn't a no brainer coming down the pike.
Opie & Anthony discussing current events has an audience as well but not 94 million people like Mr. Beast or other YouTube millionaires have.
Opie & Anthony regularly go viral residually from past bits like Cake Stomp and even their HACKIEST early career shit like Toy Yoda, 100 Grand, the Butt Plug prank call. You are still here. The people who do the podcasts and listen to them make up a billion dollar industry, pretty much all of them old enough to have gotten a boner before flat screens came out know who O&A are.
Don't you worry about there "being interest." Are you in business? Do you understand that when others fail, you capitalize? Opie & Anthony could easily dominate podcasting if they play the media and free press they will no doubt get just from doing the bare minimum. Howard Stern now has more lapsed fans who say "he sucks now" who are looking for something similar. There is a whole untapped boomer market who basically has turned to MAGA Fox News shit just because there is no comedy without preemptive apologies and fake edginess.
When O&A attack dog a podcaster, they eat up that podcaster's fanbase. Someone like Kevin Brennan would be smart to buddy up to O&A like so many other wayward hosts from eras gone by have done. But someone like Red Bar would probably try to take them on, and would eventually be overtaken by O&A because his listeners probably listened to O&A before him ANYWAY.
Whatever. If you don't see it, The DMAN can only walk you to the water. The DMAN cannot force you to drink. He can only tell you that when the day comes that you have realized the reunion has come to pass, and you have been left red-faced, The DMAN will say "It's alright champ. Now let's enjoy this Homeless Shopping Spree 2024... Together."