Nice drink, stupid.

HH Brother

I wanna fuck you up the ass, funster.
Fawk I’m sorry, I thought I made you feel bad because one of JC’s boomer friends posted a pic of his obviously unwell sister online for sympathy, and then I shared to this place filled with other funsters
I couldn't give less of a fawk about any of these boomers, Bumpster. If I could, I would dump napalm on that sick cunt.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I love how he didn't make tater tot a plural like he's only eating one, Joe is the best at bragging about nothing.
I wonder if he is still taking all those pills he once took a photo of on facebook. Obviously his health got so bad at one point he had to make some changes. Like at the beginning of lockdowns he was riding a bicycle and he started eating that beans and plantains meal while bragging about how he figured out the secret to losing weight is diet and excersize.