Much worse. Holy crap where do I even begin? So I had to buy diamond saw blades for a job so I just decided to say screw it and go into the safe where we keep $4,000 worth of petty cash. As it turns out, unbeknownst to everyone else our secretary decided that she was going to go on a shopping spree with the petty cash that totaled $3,300.
So whilst I'm dealing with that, one of our employees thinks it's a good idea on his lunch break to shoot some dope and take some xanax bars, and then come back to the job site and work a backhoe. Needless to say he nodded out and almost fucking killed somebody. So now we're understaffed by two people because one of them was fired on the spot for being high on the job, and the other one has a broken arm.
So in between having to do the grunt work at the job sites now because we're two men short, I also have to figure out this $3,300 situation AND interview and hire two new people.
This is seriously been one of the worst weeks of my fucking life.
At times like this do you miss prison? Not having to worry about all this shit? I hope it gets better soon, buddy!