Nana finally gets a huge guest for today's show!

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
Ant seemed to not know either. He nervously was asking Garret for a prep sheet.

I wanna see the Boat MOOvie
How are you all watching? Don't tell me you're subbed?
Isn't their website broken and people literally can't unsubscribe?

Don't forget... You're here forever.
They haven’t charged my card for at least two years. I don’t even have the card I used for it anymore. So yes, technically I am subbed but I consider it a gift from Nana and cousin Erock.


I was chest-bumped, alroight!
Ant seemed to not know either. He nervously was asking Garret for a prep sheet.

I wanna see the Boat MOOvie
1:17 onwards. They run right over each other yammering away, Anthony even raises his hand to shut Joe up but he carries on regardless like Bobo used to.

"I'm going on as a...featured...soloist" Joe says even though nobody asked and neither Anthony or the guest are listening to him.
1:17 onwards. They run right over each other yammering away, Anthony even raises his hand to shut Joe up but he carries on regardless like Bobo used to.

"I'm going on as a...featured...soloist" Joe says even though nobody asked and neither Anthony or the guest are listening to him.
It always seems really obvious that Nana can't stand Joe. Meanwhile, Joe just BEGS for Nana's attention. It's a hilarious dynamic.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
1:17 onwards. They run right over each other yammering away, Anthony even raises his hand to shut Joe up but he carries on regardless like Bobo used to.

"I'm going on as a...featured...soloist" Joe says even though nobody asked and neither Anthony or the guest are listening to him.
This is why Joe will always be my favorite


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
Nana's reaction to when Joe said he was going to Australia was both telling and sad. I bet Nana hasn't been jealous of his big bro in a long time but he felt a tinge of it there.

Also hilarious when that cunt asked if either Cumio had been on a cruise and Nana just goes "I've been on a lot... with the whole family."

Ain't going to see those days no more...
Who is the guest?