My cat just died


Performative Cruelty Enjoyer
What I imagine Blaze’s cat looked like.



Which way?! Medium or well done?
I always thought it was the lil tortoise shell niggas that were all female. I also remember hearing that most white cats are blind and I'm pretty sure that's complete bullshit.
From the aptly-named website Catster:

5. Are all calico cats female?​

Most calico cats are females — but not all. Male calicos are rare. “The traditional characteristics for a calico cat are carried on the chromosomes that make cats female, so the majority of calico cats are female,” Dr. Gibbons says. “The possibility of a male calico exists, but they are incredibly rare, and I have yet to see one in 15 years in the veterinary field.”

Approximately one in 3,000 calico cats is male. Also, if you have a male calico, odds are that he’s sterile. Only one in 10,000 of male calico cats is fertile.