Monica Bellucci Appreciation Thread


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Monica is a sex goddess, she is into all men who are white. The order in who gets Monica is as follows: @The Midnight Storquer, myself, @ShutYourCakeHorn, @Patreeky and then everyone else. Monica could probably do a seductive striptease into a wheelchair lap dance.

WWAWD lazy faggots who use powered wheelchairs? I wish I could pretend to be a robot all day like these lazy fucks do.
I like you a lot Say Cookie, but there's no way you're in front of me in the queue to all of Monica's available holes.

Unless you want to double team her with me, but only if Wyzz isn't available.

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
I like you a lot Say Cookie, but there's no way you're in front of me in the queue to all of Monica's available holes.

Unless you want to double team her with me, but only if Wyzz isn't available.

Wyzz refuses to rib my posts, so he gets last. I’m going to be too busy romancing Monica to even think about double teaming her available holes. Mature thick Monica is what all women should look like.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Wyzz refuses to rib my posts, so he gets last.
He's fucking dead to me, little prick, i withdraw my offer to double team Monica with him.
I’m going to be too busy romancing Monica to even think about double teaming her available holes. Mature thick Monica is what all women should look like.
Monica and Lucy make most other chicks look like little girls, they have something you can't teach but are born with, pure class and milfy thickness.

Fuck Wyzz.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Little known fact: Monica is #MyPitQueen


also throwback to runny dirty makeup Monica who was my avatar for a while but it made my peckah too fat too often


Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt