Mark ass pedo "Perfid" Paul Weimer posts a blog update on the situation



"You know, the reasons I would follow someone on twitter, yes?"

"...because, well, you all know that is something I do."

Starting four different sentences with "So" in a short message.

God damnit, his shitty, lazy, generic, faggy writing is enough reason to hate him, even without all the other allegations. I understand he's a "fan writer" and doesn't claim to be a pro, but Jesus, Paul. Get your shit together. And stop taking upskirt photos of children while you're at it.


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
If they barely know each other how is he so sure most of the trolls are because of him there? I haven't looked at the screenshots yet, so maybe I'm wrong. Maybe she talks to Pat and that's why they're doing it.
Paul is a suck ass to all these SFWA creeps and writes positive reviews of all their "works" seems like anyone that has Pat's or Pauls stink on them gets the troll treatment and its been going on long before we knew of either of them