M.C Serch has a TikTok


Hosting Brunch at a Night Club.


The Pink Panther
I'm admittedly slightly obsessed with following Serch. I think that's been established. But follow me on this.
I think he's separated from his wife.
What made me think that? He hasn't been wearing his wedding band. That wasn't really enough to have me convinced. So I noticed how hard he's been pushing Timeless Brunch at Proper (PROPUH!). He's never had a relationship where being at something like that every week would be a sign of anything other than promoting some hustle, but he always speaks very highly of his wife and insists on being respectful of her to an obsessive degree. However, recently he had posts talking about all the great girls he's met at his events and how the guys NEED to show up. Sure, this could all be a ploy to get more attendees, since I'm sure he has an obligation to bring a crowd (which I know he doesn't succeed in doing).

Some other minor signs: No mention of his wife on Father's Day. Weird shirtless posts (which is more a sign that no one is knocking some sense into him for looking like a moron on social media).

But the absolute biggest sign:
He seems to be considering working with Pete Nice again. Their whole falling out started due to Pete disrespecting Chantel. So the only way he can work with Pete is to either get Chantel's approval (when you need money, you'll overlook some history of disrespect), or if she's out of the picture enough for him to just do as he pleases.