Leslie Varney contacts PenguiCon; Pat suing?


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
more BlueSKy civilian patposting, based app. From 3 weeks ago when Pat failed miserably at whiteknighting Brianna Wu

"defensive omniscience"
View attachment 197168

She forgot to mention him struggling not to bang the Asian child prostitute.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Leslie knows how to get her point across while expressing her feelings intelligently. Aside from the fact that she does not acknowledge that Pat is correct about everything he hates her because she won't allow him to verbally abuse her. He's simply too stupid to intellectually joust with anyone. The fact that Leslie is a mild mannered grandma giving him verbal beat downs is like gas on the fire for Pat. Your hatred for women has been noted many hundreds of time, sweet summer fatty.
I think that also drives pat nuts because he cant be calm and articulate. He is always in a confrontational aggressive mode and just says the same impotent threats. Thinking they sound intimidating and tough but they really sound like 6th grader arguing on the playground.