*deep inhale* You know it's a tough one man. But I'm a bit of a late bloomer when it comes to connecting the dots with history stuff.
One one hand, I will never believe ZOG/Mossad/white extinction conspiracies because I just don't see people post-industrialization being so coherent in their own ethnic groups with all the food, toys, nukes and soda pops at their disposal. Even the jews. Humans are weak, and ultimately too much comfort will turn anyone into a narcissistic lustful fat faggot that has no real principles or sheer force of will like our forebears did.
On the other hand... WWAW the
https://en.metapedia.org/ ???
I've been reading regularly on WWII for like 15 years but they just finally redpilled me on the Holocaust denial. I was up all night reading articles.
*lip smack* *more inhaling*
See, I never was a fan of The Jew
™ and I always tended to read about WWII, even with primary sources, very carefully when studying my history.
But I could never outright deny obvious evidence corroborated by the axis, the allies or the soviets, sometimes by all of them.
Shit was so frustrating, because all I ever seemed to get out of cursory research about these things are:
1. semi-incoherent schizoid ramblings of Christian or Odin nutjobs interspersed with moral grandstanding or embarassing life coaching attempts
2. solipsistic waterbrain weaklings who want to share their power fantasy of being a handsome nordic viking or "traditional girl" but have low IQ
3. compilations of throwing different shit against the wall that is obviously geared toward the white extinction/ZOG meme
Obviously all without source citations and really terribly formatted.
Now this, on the other hand, changes everything regarding my understanding of denial vs. revisionism.
After all I've read I fully agree with this here table and I will never again consider mainstream resources on these issues:
View attachment 23502
I don't even go all in with the holocaust denial to be honest witcha, but revisionism 100% is needed. Just a taste of denial. Lil taste.
Alt-right is a faggot. And fuck jews. Justice for Hess.