Kike Hate Thread

A dedicated and once-influential Counter Semite has been doxxed. His highly successful business ventures will be destroyed, and his life undoubtedly ruined. Jazzhands lost the plot in the later years, but I believe in his sincerity with every fiber of my being. He is a talented researcher, a wonderful speaker and a genuinely good dude.

The truth is, fringe movements attract troubled people (on all sides). Many get involved in dissident politics for unhealthy reasons. Antisocial pathologies galore. This was true of several of our Founding Fathers, and it was true of the Alt Right. But that does not describe Robert. Robert was clearly motivated by a love for his people, the pursuit of truth and nothing more. When he started his podcast, he had everything to lose and nothing to gain- besides honor.

In its' peak, Fash the Nation was the most informative, comprehensive geopolitical analysis in the English-speaking World.

This man will now die a thousand deaths for his people. Due to silly interpersonal squabbles, few- even those ostensibly "on his side"- will offer much by way of sympathy. I genuinely feel for him. Press F to pay respects to a fallen Brother who gave up everything to do what he (correctly) believed was right- exposing the Jews at every turn to those willing to listen.



I see penises everywhere
A dedicated and once-influential Counter Semite has been doxxed. His highly successful business ventures will be destroyed, and his life undoubtedly ruined. Jazzhands lost the plot in the later years, but I believe in his sincerity with every fiber of my being. He is a talented researcher, a wonderful speaker and a genuinely good dude.

The truth is, fringe movements attract troubled people (on all sides). Many get involved in dissident politics for unhealthy reasons. Antisocial pathologies galore. This was true of several of our Founding Fathers, and it was true of the Alt Right. But that does not describe Robert. Robert was clearly motivated by a love for his people, the pursuit of truth and nothing more. When he started his podcast, he had everything to lose and nothing to gain- besides honor.

In its' peak, Fash the Nation was the most informative, comprehensive geopolitical analysis in the English-speaking World.

This man will now die a thousand deaths for his people. Due to silly interpersonal squabbles, few- even those ostensibly "on his side"- will offer much by way of sympathy. I genuinely feel for him. Press F to pay respects to a fallen Brother who gave up everything to do what he (correctly) believed was right- exposing the Jews at every turn to those willing to listen.

I have mixed feelings. FTN was amazing at its height. But Jazz is an asshole. Many, many people who met him in real life thought he was an arrogant spergy prick.

Given his profession, I don't think this dox will actually affect him too much. I hope I'm wrong. He does not deserve any suffering based on this dox. I also wonder exactly how they found it out. It's one thing to accuse and it's another to confirm. I have my ideas.


I see penises everywhere
Today I learned that Candace Owens is an anti-semite.

I still don't like her.
I have mixed feelings. FTN was amazing at its height. But Jazz is an asshole. Many, many people who met him in real life thought he was an arrogant spergy prick.

Given his profession, I don't think this dox will actually affect him too much. I hope I'm wrong. He does not deserve any suffering based on this dox. I also wonder exactly how they found it out. It's one thing to accuse and it's another to confirm. I have my ideas.
I heard the same thing. I obviously don't know how he treated other people and could be wrong.

But the sense I got is that Jazz is successful and most people in life, ain't. The one dude I know IRL who met Jazz and disliked him reeked of jealousy tbh.

But yeah I'd love to know how it happened. I know a lot of ppl are looking inward at various NJP type characters. I have no fucking clue, but gun to my head the theory that makes the most sense to me is just feds. It's completely fucking insane to think that the FBI doesn't have a full dox to include A logs of every influential or public-facing white nationalist in the world. Doing so would not require any warrants or legal wrangling at all, and they have not just authority to gather this info but likely direct orders, given the massive FBI funding to fight white nationalism explicitly. They have to show some paper to justify their budgets at some point.

I think individual agents just hand doxxes over to antifa whenever they feel the time is right.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Probably called Chuck Lorre a kike (repeatedly). Between his father, himself and Emilio, the Shern family have been in Hollywood for close to 60 years or so. They know what's up when it comes to Jews in Hollywood. But what can you do? The money is really, really fucking good if you land the right tv show series or movie(s).

Sheen was making atleast $1,000,000 (it might have been 1.5m or even close to 2m) an episode to basically play himself and spit out shitty oneliners. The fat kid (his nephew), found God and left the show, but after awhile, he realized no place on fucking Eartg is ever going to pay his talentless ass, 300k to do anything, much pay that per episode to play a completely forgettable character.
I know he was melting diwn at that time but I always suspected Charlie wanted out of the show and that was how he got it. That said I don't know why he'd think doing it that way wouldn't hurt his career more than just quitting. Though he did get Anger Management after that so I guess it didn't get him black balled.


I know he was melting diwn at that time but I always suspected Charlie wanted out of the show and that was how he got it. That said I don't know why he'd think doing it that way wouldn't hurt his career more than just quitting. Though he did get Anger Management after that so I guess it didn't get him black balled.
He made some good money on that standup/Q&A tour he went on. What an odd time-- then the guy tears positive for HIV in 2015, and somehow he didn't infect any of the "chicks," he was banging? I read somewhere that Sheen had a soft spot for tranny's. I digress- yeah, going full anti-Hollywood kike is a great bit and it should be done more often. However, it usually fucking sucks for the old bank account and future work in the entertainment industry.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!

archive link:

The Kikelantic is going at it today!
