Joseph Cumia is a real badass


I was chest-bumped, alroight!
One of the best Joe Cruisa posts, and educational. I had no idea before all of this that cruise acts had to do bitch work and it's not all sunshine and pounding puss. We all know the jokes of washed up acts being the low bar of a career but now they have to do minimum wage busywork on the ship too? But the Pop culture jokes surrounding cruises definitely did not mention this the last few decades probably because nobody wants to say they had to clean the bathrooms as part of their music/comedian act and had some shame, but heres Joe letting everyone know how embarrassing his rock star venture is. Jesus.


He really thought he was going to be like Elvis at the International in Vegas. 2 shows a night, then off to gamble and drink till the early hours, steak, eggs and fries and then sleep in till 4 in the afternoon. Wake up in time for a light supper (while being greeted along the way by adoring fans) before doing it all again. Instead, the shock of a real life job has his teeth jumping out of his mouth.


Go to mass
He really thought he was going to be like Elvis at the International in Vegas. 2 shows a night, then off to gamble and drink till the early hours, steak, eggs and fries and then sleep in till 4 in the afternoon. Wake up in time for a light supper (while being greeted along the way by adoring fans) before doing it all again. Instead, the shock of a real life job has his teeth jumping out of his mouth.

100% perfect summation of the situation.