Joe admits the cruise has been a disaster! SOS CAROL, FINANCES IN DISTRESS!


Again, he seriously thought he’d be living like Sinatra. Compd food, gambling all day after doing an hour show a week, sleeping in till 1pm, “It’s like being on a cruise except i get PAID for being here!”
He really does try so hard to tell his stories in such a way that everyone will be jealous of him. He must really be fucked if he’s losing the facade.


An honourable man.
You guys think how weird it is slow Joe is playing this budget cruise ship and he’ll be dead in a few years from old age?

People will say he seemed so healthy this time last year when he was playing the music of Johnny Cash on that cruise gig. Although, maybe not, since his teeth have fell out and he looks morbidly obese now.


Which way?! Medium or well done?
this gig is for some struggling musician in their 20s. they basically just get a free vacation and get to fuck the sloppy wine moms. A gout ridden geriatric is the worst possible person to do this shit you retard. Nice 140 iq , stupid.
I think the linchpin for it to make sense is you can't have a lease or mortgage.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I can understand him complaining about the shit money and the fact he's essentially imprisoned for four months - though those are both things he knew going in. What I can't get is him whining about "working" a 21 hour work week. What a bum he is.
Some basic math and knowing what the job entailed would have told him he was going to work harder for the same amount. He thought he would be on a paid vacation and treated like Wayne Newton. That was all ego and his fault for being an idiot.


this gig is for some struggling musician in their 20s. they basically just get a free vacation and get to fuck the sloppy wine moms. A gout ridden geriatric is the worst possible person to do this shit you retard. Nice 140 iq , stupid.
Even if I'd been a musician with creative aspirations in my early 20s, instead of a money-hungry little shit, I'd still have drawn up the ol' pros and cons columns.

Pretty high up in the cons would've been the fact that I'm stuck on a fucking boat all day, and am treated as an employee for every hour of every day. This basically means that I'm at work all day every day. Am I being paid enough hourly to make that worth it?

No? OK. Well I'm 21 and have no real responsibilities. It could be fun. I'll probably bang some of the girls doing musical theatre shows. Maybe score a teenage passenger daughter or two. Maybe a divorcée. Could be some good stories and experiences.

But actually I'm 65 years old and have a mortgage (lol) and mouths to feed waiting for me? Lol. What the fuck was he thinking. Tack on the thousands he's going to have to pay for his teeth fleeing his mouth due to the stress of having to work for the first time since Clinton was in office and this might be the lowest point in Joe's life ever. I love it


The ONLY station that REALLY ROCKS!


The Hasidic Homeboy
Looks like Joe's calculations didn't quite pan out and he lost money on his high seas excursion. Like Anthony however he'll RISE AGAIN and get back to what he's good at - busking at fruit stands, the moose Lodge and TGI Friday's, where he'll be able to enjoy (weak) Irish coffees and be put up with by twenty-something wait staff. I can't imagine this is where Bro Joe envisioned as a younger man (while freebasing cocaine with his family) he would be spending his golden years. Sad, really.