Jim & Sam.

Radio has been functionally dead since the fucking 1950s. The only places people have listened to radio in 7 decades is in a car or some shit public area: grocery store, waiting room, elevator, whatever. I haven't actively listened to the radio since I was on a school bus, and even that was from lack of other options. No one will ever pay for radio again except by a literal scam, like forcing it into cars. Satellite will be gone in under a decade. Radio can only survive by being inoffensive drivel no one pays attention to.
Generation X and older will pay for it in larger numbers than you think. My parents love Sirius


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
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Clint Ruin

I'm sorry, who are you?
Who is still listening to these two? Sam probably has more wrestling crossover than any remnants left from O&A.

I hate-listened to them for longer than I should have, just to give me something to zone out to at work, but working from home for the last year and a half, I haven't bothered. Really makes me wish I hadn't been torturing myself for no reason. Jim and Sam are like picking a scab.


May St. Mel bless you
Same with Artie, he could sell out multiple shows while on Stern then he left and is down to VFW hall type venues.

Artie used to tell the story of meeting with his business manager or agent who told him that since he's making so much money doing standup on the weekends, he should quit Stern to perform standup full time. Artie had to tell him that without Stern, he'll never be able to make that kind of money with standup. He was right. His brain was in the right place, but he let his nose do all the thinking.


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
Jim and Sam probably costs less than a million a year total for its staff and production. It'll stay on from sheer corporate inertia. Opie and Anthony couldn't fucking make it work, Jim and Sam would have nowhere to go. Jim and Sam do these side projects based on their pre-existing radio job, put in more hours, and probably pull in an extra 50% of their regular salary from it at most. I don't think Chip Merch and superchats alone are possible ways to sustain a life. Jim and Sam will take anything, and Sirius will give them something, which is more than they deserve. Jim and Sam would literally pay Sirius if they could afford to to go on-air.
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Stand Alone Fruit
Artie used to tell the story of meeting with his business manager or agent who told him that since he's making so much money doing standup on the weekends, he should quit Stern to perform standup full time. Artie had to tell him that without Stern, he'll never be able to make that kind of money with standup. He was right. His brain was in the right place, but he let his nose do all the thinking.
I remember him talking about how he didn’t want to do so much stand up while doing the show but couldn’t turn down the money. Looking back at the Jackie years it’s interesting how Jackie made sure to put in his contract he get X amount of plugs per show for his website or stand up dates. I always surprised how much of a bitch was to Artie about taking time off to make Beer League. Stern now I doubt will even let his staff do anything now outside of the show even though he barely does an shows.


He's big and fat, he's Patrick Tomlinson
Let's hope they're taken out and shot behind the barn.

Put the corpse of O&A out of its misery for good.
I don't disagree, genuinely. Sirius is still trying to make money off of the remnants of the Opie and Anthony show by propping up two characters who, on their own, are complete garbage. Enough already. Just let the Jim and Sam Show die. Their 800 or so fans will move on to something else.