Jim posts faggy turbulence on a plane Instagram guess what Anthony's take was

Ant's racism used to come out at the right moment and he would just playfully dance around it. That was legitimately funny. Somewhere along the way, Opie gave up and stopped caring, and thus his lapdog sidekick, err.. His co-host did the same.
Yes, it was more Howard Stern-like, where he was essentially making ethnic jokes just to be an edgy wise ass. Then it became more virulent, like he'd adopted it as a cause. Then he discovered tweeting, and since then it's been nigger. nigger, nigger 24/7.
Why should Jim be loyal to someone who helped made his career? Anthony serves no purpose to Jim. He really is a spineless worm.
This is a really fucking stupid claim, dude. Norton and Florentine are the only ones from his glory days who still stand by him at all. Norton doesn’t tell him to fuck off even now as Ant dips his toes into right-wing trannytweeting.