Jim posts faggy turbulence on a plane Instagram guess what Anthony's take was

Congratulations if you got it


I am not a sea cow, staIker
Is the joke supposed to be that the plane would've crashed if there was a black pilot? Obsessed isn't even the word for this deranged boomer. Blacks are his every thought every fucking second of the day.

Complain about niggers all you want nana, the fact will always remain that you fucked your entire life because you got beat up by a black girl and couldn't emotionally handle it.
I love how an ounce of logic doesn’t even pass through his rage/alcohol/cortisol addled brain. I’m half a retard and I know that pilots usually do close to nothing during bad turbulence in the moment since it literally can’t take a plane down, for the most part. You’re not doing 100mph on a highway dodging traffic. There’s no advanced militaristic skill involved.

But yeah Anthony, a black pilot would have panicked and crashed the plane into a fucking body of water.


Probably only over texts. Jim hadn’t been in the studio in years and I don’t think he even calls in to shoot the shit. Why should Jim be loyal to someone who helped made his career? Anthony serves no purpose to Jim. He really is a spineless worm.
Ant will probably retaliate by trashing Jim in his fourth book since it takes him a while to work up the courage. Sadly, he’ll be dead before that.