Jim Norton Married a Tranny!


Still spreading the O&A virus
Has he ever addressed how weird it is that he married someone who drinks despite being a faggot AA pusher all his life?
Lots of these men that dress as women have to take drugs and booze to be anorexic level thin to even remotely pass as women. But all it does is bloat their skulls to make them look like something from the H.R. Gieger museum or the Smithsonian giant exhibitions. Prince Thor has the height of an NFL offensive lineman but the weight of a 4'11" female gymnast.


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.

I'm so happy that Jim's life has amounted to living with a mentally ill gay guy who may snap and kill him.

He's going to die of "autoerotic asphyxiation" after the Norseman chokes him to death with a belt and makes it look like a suicide. The twist: it was all planned for years. Eat your heart out, M. Night.