It’s 4:00pm on Christmas Eve. Why is Joseph so upset?


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer


"My take?

The government wants to destroy the traditional family unit and values."

Yeah, that's really not your take at all. That's the take of every single Fox News pundit and almost literally every single conservative radio host in the country. To the extent that even if you actually believe this yourself, you should understand thousands of people have articulated this point and much better than you have, over the course of almost a decade.

"My take?" Lmao go watch your dumb wife make xmas dinner.


Breakfast Corn
"My take?

The government wants to destroy the traditional family unit and values."

Yeah, that's really not your take at all. That's the take of every single Fox News pundit and almost literally every single conservative radio host in the country. To the extent that even if you actually believe this yourself, you should understand thousands of people have articulated this point and much better than you have, over the course of almost a decade.

"My take?" Lmao go watch your dumb wife make xmas dinner.
Im surprised he didnt get a Fox News tattoo.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Aren't Mexicans -the only people that get called dreamers now- famous for having close knit family units? I think for all the fun that comes with muzzies, they too are fairly traditional as far as "the family unit" goes, too.
You mean to tell me that the 63 year old who lives on hand outs and abandoned his mom in a nursing home doesn’t embody family values and togetherness?


Massachusetts State Senator
Nice cliche 'family values' rant from a guy who:

Smoked crack with his mom, who he later abandoned.
Sold drugs.
Has lived on welfare for the past 25 years.
Systematically stole from his boss one of the few times he did have a job.
Moonlights playing cover songs at gay bars.
Day drinks.
Solicits children for spit.
Is a fat sloppy nigger.
He also hit a woman with a frying pan.
Retard Joe thinks all this shit started during Biden's administration
And the things that REALLY impacted his life, namely his brother's alcoholism and tweeting, have nothing to do with Joe Biden or "the government". And "family values", like when that same brother gloated about fucking his girlfriend's daughter? Those are Cumia family values.