“It was a good one today”, was it?



Oh great, another show with some useless mediocre whores that the Worm likes to edge to.



Alfred Hitchpenis
That Xia chick sucks. I don't understand why she's so comedy-adjacent. She's some onlyfans whoore. That's literally her whole thing. Then I think Norton made her the new Chipperson sidekick so she'd fuck him (she won't) and she's popped up on a bunch of GAS Digital shit. I've seen her on RAP a few times and she's good natured and doesn't get offended at anything but she's never, ever been funny. People also talk like she's the most beautiful thing on Earth and she's just a pretty standard good looking chick.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
I tried to listen to Jim and Sam a few months ago. Jim tried to meekly say he didn't think Jan 6 was a big deal and doesn't care about it and Sam gave him the business for attacking our democracy.
Sam would think that a lot of stupid, unarmed boomers taking selfies on an unguided tour of the Capital is an "Attack on our democracy". Mongoloid dolt.


Welcome to our establishment
I think that I might hate Norton the most as I age.
At least deep down the others know they're finished. Sure Nana is a delusional alcoholic but he knows exactly how few people subscribe to Compound. Jim inheriting da show due to his coattail riding and disloyalty rubs me the wrong way.

What am I saying though, I hate Sam more. At least JIm has said something funny in his life.