Is this the end of everything?


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
I gave my ex a knuckle sandwich right into her big fucking mouth while she was holding my daughter. These fucking cunts need to be kept in line. Christianity needs to return to the dark ages. Anyone deviating from the morals of the word need to be disemboweled.
I know this is a bit, but I think can get behind this.


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
It doesn't help that there's really no such thing as actual acting anymore and that writers and producers now need to spend more time making sure the cast is diverse enough (regardless of abilities) and the dialog is woke enough. No seriously, it's a new requirement of the Acadamy. No trannies or blacks? No accolades, and you might as well kiss your career goodbye if you were dumb enough to get involved with Hollywood in the first place. Isn't the Wonder Years getting a reboot but with an all black cast even?
The Shield was the most naturally diverse show I've ever seen and it premiered 20 years ago. Theres blacks, whites, Latinos, gays, dykes, and none of it feels forced or like it's pandering to a specific demographic. You don't even really notice it.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
I invite you all to watch my sequel Resurrection of the Christ next year. It'll be my finest work.
Please tell me that jesus is a tranny, the cross is symbolism for being dead named, and you rise from the "dead", not as an ugly balding man with a wound that won't close, but as a big titted swedish woman.


I want to sniff Camila Cabello’s butthole.


She look like she’s lazy and smells bad. Also no tits. Pass
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