Is Joe's cruise ship experience the funniest thing he's ever done?

In the 90s, pre the office, there was a work place documentary set on a cruise ship that followed people working on the boat and what they live was like. The office massively took that concept of normal people working being filmed and went with it. The original show made one of the boat acts a star. A US remake with Joe but it being embarrassing and sad would be wonderful

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
When he first announced it, I thought it would be funny to get his gig cancelled.

I'm man enough to admit I was wrong. Joe trolled himself on our behalf worse than any of us ever could.


Peak buffoonery
yeah, this wasnt one of those petty gigs that he can rebound from. Being under contract and far from home. Separated from his comfort zone. It was clear that it was going to be a disaster and he would do it all on his own with no interference. The only risk would be if he never posted about it but with being lonely he was sure to post to facebook like diary. You know there are more hilarious details that he hasnt posted about but maybe he will as time goes by.


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The whole thing feels like some bizarre A24 movie, similar to The Whale. An aging cover band musician thinking he's booked the gig of his life but slowly going crazy in his maritime jailcell, all juxtaposed against the beautiful locals of European port cities that he couldn't care less about. Losing his teeth, taking an uber to a closed casino, sneaking cookies back to his room, can't you see a Willem Defoe or Nicholas Cage or Russell Crowe understanding the tragedy of it all? Isolating himself from his family once the roaming charges hit, isolating himself from his crew and using social media to show his descent into sea madness.
Joe has this specific funniness about him that Pat can never come close to.
Joe is a classic comedic buffoon, like a slow-witted Ralph Kramden, always getting himself into hilarious pickles with his blowhard stupidity. Joe's the kind of clown who'd step on a rake, knock his teeth out, AND require a tetanus shot, which he'd have an allergic reaction to. Always bungling his way through another harebrained scheme, getting all carried away with acting like a big shot, only to fail miserably each and every time. It's timeless slapstick.
using social media to show his descent into sea madness.
This scene would be demonstrated with the Normandy Beach story. It'll show what actually happened: JoeH puttering around, kicking rocks, scooping sand into a vitamin B bottle, and talking to nobody. Then he goes back to his dank cell, fires up Facebook, and writes a fictional sob story about a woman who wants JoeH to help her with her husband's ashes (or whatever bullshit he came up with).


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Everything about it is just completely demeaning for a man his age.

He's sneaking out food & alcohol and bragging about "breaking the rules" like he's the bad boy at school: he's in his 60s.

The man accepted a borderline entry level job on his 60s and complains about the pay, the schedule, the poor treatment & lack of respect from management.

It's hilarious how out of touch with the real world he is, and he just broadcasts it to the world daily. He's like an 18 year old who just moved out & figuring it out.
Typical Joseph Cumia behavior: he does one contract and immediately wants a cushier one that meets his bovine demands


I am not a sea cow, staIker
In the 90s, pre the office, there was a work place documentary set on a cruise ship that followed people working on the boat and what they live was like. The office massively took that concept of normal people working being filmed and went with it. The original show made one of the boat acts a star. A US remake with Joe but it being embarrassing and sad would be wonderful

I wish we had the ability to fund a documentary crew to film Joe on his next cruise. It'd be the most entertaining show ever made. I can just picture him showing the camera his Pringles can full of cookies that he smuggled into his room and wandering around the ship with not a friend to be had while everyone is else is having a great time :image_9253:, cleaning the toilets like he's still in the military, not allowed to drink or go in the casino while explaining why he's happy with all this.
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I am not a sea cow, staIker
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Also, does this confirm that he’s pretty much already fucked his permanent record because he was going to the casino on board? Lmao

Joe has the same level of entitlement as Anthony but with none of the money or fame (using that word very loosely for nana these days). He really thinks rules shouldn't apply to him and that he's doing the cruise operator some huge favor by agreeing to share his huge musical gift with the passengers.

Joe, you're barely above the person cleaning the toilets on that ship. Just some hired monkey to entertain the geriatric passengers with the same songs night after night. Know your place, moo.