I’m wasted and just bought a $1000 warhammer 40k office chair


An honourable man.
The money is what you’re worried about? Gay. Embarrassing. The Lord will judge you for this, that’s what you should be concerned about.

I have set up a payment schedule to tithe to my church, I donate on top.

I know I shouldn’t tell anyone about this, because it defeats the point. You don’t know me though, and most will say I’m lying. So I suppose it’s different.

I despair at wasting my money when I could be giving it away. I despair at pretty much all of my ful retard mode 16 year old arrested development racist behavior. Why can’t I stop when I know 100% where it leads?


An honourable man.
Hahahahaha look at this guy Luetin

@NoBacon this your boy? You dropped a grand on a shitty chair because this soyboy did an ad read for it?


That’s not him.

I’ve only seen him in a podcast appearance but he’s middle aged and balding. I believe he has a family and his videos are fucking awesome.


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That’s not him.

I’ve only seen him in a podcast appearance but he’s middle aged and balding. I believe he has a family and his videos are fucking awesome.

Can you cancel the order? Say your nephew accidentally ordered it before it processes so you can get your money back?

This is amazing content but cancel the order before it's too late. $1000 on something you can get for $10 on facebook marketplace, because it has a nerd logo engraved on it.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I have set up a payment schedule to tithe to my church, I donate on top.

I know I shouldn’t tell anyone about this, because it defeats the point. You don’t know me though, and most will say I’m lying. So I suppose it’s different.

I despair at wasting my money when I could be giving it away. I despair at pretty much all of my ful retard mode 16 year old arrested development racist behavior. Why can’t I stop when I know 100% where it leads?
Paying tithe to a church means nothing, brotherman. It does not absolve you of sins, nor does it truly do the Lord’s work. Your only contribution necessary is the belief in your own heart. The only advice I’ll give you is this: The only reconciliation you can make is within your own self. The Lord cares for nothing else.

Single Action Army

We ain't goon hooligans we Maloonigans

I bought it from here, I may have bought a generic one, I genuinely don’t know but I want a new chair.

Reminder that 40k was made as just a goofy inch-deep Star Trek parody, whose only ethos was to be as vile and edgy as possible, and was heel-turned into something """serious""" when the faggot nerds started seriously digging into the undertones of their 80s Buzz Lightyear toys.

The most autistic tonally clashing puerile garbage possible. 40k fans are in the same league as bronies.

Warhammer Fantasy is pretty neat tho.

Carol's Stink Blaster

Poot poot poot poot
I know I’m a spergy mental case here but you’d be shocked how truthful I am about my real life.

I’m doing fine in life, I have a good job and I’m happy with my physical appearance / personality. I treat people well. I can spend money on stupid chairs and not care, I can’t afford 5 sinks but I can afford chairs at least.

I’m constantly consumed with dread at the spiritual battle we are all in. We’re being dragged down by those who dwell below and I know what gospel says about teachers, I must delete my account here and my social media and “cut my right hand off if it causes me to stray” but if I can make one internet stranger realise the war they are in, I will be vindicated.

I’m very drunk.
We're all retards, stupid


An honourable man.
Paying tithe to a church means nothing, brotherman. It does not absolve you of sins, nor does it truly do the Lord’s work. Your only contribution necessary is the belief in your own heart. The only advice I’ll give you is this: The only reconciliation you can make is within your own self. The Lord cares for nothing else.

I know my works don’t justify my faith, I know my tithe doesn’t buy my absolution. I don’t do it to buy favor, I do it because I want to - I don’t begrudge it, or do it out of duty, I don’t want anything for it. I keep it as anonymous as I can. I do it because nothing is mine and I don’t want it.

I can not shake the enemy and his lies that everyone else is forgived but I’m not, his incitement - his deceit. They stay in families, everyone in my family is me. Is it really as simple as you say? I know it is but I don’t know it is.

At least I have a nice chair.


Referring to End Times or all the fag shit with the garbage revival?
Doesn't matter if I just stick my fingers in my ears and go lalalala to anything that's not 5 or 6e
I meant End Times and the Age of Sigmar. The new series takes place during the time of Magnus and the reunification so I might enjoy that.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I know my works don’t justify my faith, I know my tithe doesn’t buy my absolution. I don’t do it to buy favor, I do it because I want to - I don’t begrudge it, or do it out of duty, I don’t want anything for it. I keep it as anonymous as I can. I do it because nothing is mine and I don’t want it.

I can not shake the enemy and his lies that everyone else is forgived but I’m not, his incitement - his deceit. They stay in families, everyone in my family is me. Is it really as simple as you say? I know it is but I don’t know it is.

At least I have a nice chair.
I was mostly making fun of you for buying a gay chair. It is very gay. However, buy what you want. That’s not the point. Pay what you want, that’s not the point. You clearly feel guilty about things. Brothaman, brothaman. The Lord only cares about what’s in your heart. You can make up for your family, and yourself. Just be a good person. You can still be racist too! You just have to learn to recognize, and remove the actual hatred in your heart.

— This is a very gay response, still less gay than the chair.


An honourable man.
Reminder that 40k was made as just a goofy inch-deep Star Trek parody, whose only ethos was to be as vile and edgy as possible, and was heel-turned into something """serious""" when the faggot nerds started seriously digging into the undertones of their 80s Buzz Lightyear toys.

The most autistic tonally clashing puerile garbage possible. 40k fans are in the same league as bronies.

Warhammer Fantasy is pretty neat tho.

The books are the best sci fi around, the Horus heresy is absurdly good. I’ve probably read 40 of the 70 books in the series or whatever it is.

Never got into fantasy.


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I drink probably once every 3 or 4 months now. Just one binge session. If I’m with it enough when I get home I’ll take a photo my current chair. It’s not good.

W40k is awesome.

So go to Ikea or Sharper Image and buy a nice chair. Stop being a fucking consoomer "but this is the official W40k chair!"

I know you wanna do the opposite of whatever Jenna says, but I might be triple reverse psychologizing your drunk ass into keeping the chair. It legit looks like a coach airline seat and you're going to hate those tiny armrests within 5 minutes of sitting in it.


I drink probably once every 3 or 4 months now. Just one binge session. If I’m with it enough when I get home I’ll take a photo my current chair. It’s not good.

W40k is awesome.

If you can post proof of purchase Ill delete my account

You saw the chair and thought “this would be a good thread to make in off topic”

Until then, youre lying because you’re lonely and an attention hungry faggot.