As the forum designated Jenna post rater, it would be remiss of me to not evaluate this thread. Notice I initially gave it a rib, thus indicating my approval.
Callouts are always good for Off Topic, after all that's what the forum is about. But of course, the one corrective action I want to ensure you take for future posts is to stop making things about you and to just focus on the person you want to call a retard. You can start by calling them retarded, we don't need to work you up to nigger on day 1. As a general rule, I think the best way to go forward is to type out your posts like normal and delete the first sentence so you get straight to the point, and probably also the last one although that doesn't apply to this one cause you ended it real well. 8/10, rib well earned.
Sweet and simple, the problem is you also simp for a zoomer, so you're kind of calling yourself a faggot too. I gave no initial reaction
This is where you made your first real mistake, evident by my car crash: Getting snippy at
@Harry Powell. Talking shit about Harry is a cardinal sin in Off Topic and all this does is display your seethe at the eternal happiness he's received from raw zoomer sex. And again with the last line, it's always really gay when you talk about yourself. 0/10