I want to thank the Funsters here


CakeHorn/Say "Cookie"/BonnieMcFarlaneMe2 Alt
Often times in life we over look people, considering how short and unstable are lives are, one day everything is fine and the next day the deck of cards closes in all by itself. So thank you fellow funsters and brothermen.

i wish i could have the same conversation with my father, we never got along but i recognize he has done a lot for me. Maybe one day when the time and vibe is right.


Microcephalic Funster
I always liked you brotherman. A new guy, but you made a big splash here and left many ribs in your wake. Always quick 2 rib your fellow funsters, an honorary ribgiver. Screenshot 2023-01-22 222525.png


ImJustJenAndImEnough, AndImGreatAtJewingStuff
Glad to see you in a better place dude. 98% of girls kind of suck anyway, third wave feminism has produced an entire generation of snarky, hateful, entitled bitches.

Give the Jews another 10 years and they'll invent some virtual reality sex simulation thing. Shit I'm afraid to buy a fleshlight because if that thing feels as good as a pussy I might become a sad old Paulie Walnuts hermit myself.