It truly amazes me that he somehow convinced Niki to hop into yet another lolsuit. Only instead of the defendant being an unknown entity who might be independently wealthy and able to blow them to smithereens then triple their debt and force them to pay it all, this time they know for certain that this entity has unlimited resources to fight them. I guarantee you they will dismiss their case after MPD files their first motion in their own defense.He'll never admit he lost, and lost BIG. How his family can stand him after all of this shows they are just as dumb and obstinate.
Now he and his miserable grifter wife are fighting a losing battle in court against the MPD and are facing possible defamation lawsuits against him from others.
Then he still has the "Torswats" situation hanging over his head which should have him scared since the Feds will likely take over when the local courts are done with him. All of that will take years.
All of this could have been avoided if he had the slightest bit of self control to never feed the trolls.