I, [
Redacted ], declare as follows:
1. I am the registrant of the domain name <onaforums.net> and the operator of the website located at <onaforums.net> (“OnA Forums”), Petitioner in this matter and named as Defendant John Doe 1 in the lawsuit Patrick S. Tomlinson v. John Does 1–60, Names Unknown, Case No. 2021CV000500, currently pending in the State of Wisconsin Circuit Court, Milwaukee County. Unless otherwise stated, I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this declaration.
2. The users of OnA Forums are anonymous. OnA Forums users can use a fake email address/account, and they can change their email account/address to whatever they want, whenever they want. OnA Forums has no form of verification procedure for email accounts or addresses. If a user gets locked out of OnA Forums (including because they forgot their fake email address or the password reset function was not working), they just make a new account to access the service. As a result, I do not know, and could only speculate about, the real identity of any user of OnA, and no user has disclosed his/her identity to me.
3. In response to Patrick S. Tomlinson (“Tomlinson”)’s subpoena to Cloudflare, Inc. (“Subpoena”), I collected and provided to Tomlinson’s counsel all information I have available to me with a reasonable amount of effort relating to the identities of specified OnA Forums users. This information consisted of voluntarily submitted user information and IP logs retained by Cloudflare. These IP addresses are the only IP addresses to which I have access regarding the users of OnA Forums given how Cloudflare functions.
4. I operate OnA Forums anonymously for multiple reasons, including for fear of my safety if my identity were disclosed to Tomlinson. More specifically, I fear for my safety because Tomlinson has published numerous statements which, in my opinion, reflect his willingness to commit violence (or encourage others to commit violence) against those with whom Tomlinson disagrees, considers enemies, or who criticize Tomlinson.
5. Tomlinson has published posts on <twitter.com> (“Twitter”) referring to me and users of OnA Forums as “alt-right” individuals, fascists, and Nazis. Not only has Tomlinson advocated for violence against alt-right individuals, fascists, and Nazis, Tomlinson has also
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expressed his willingness to personally engage in violence towards individuals whom he considers his enemies or labels as alt-right individuals, fascists, or Nazis.
6. Attached hereto as Exhibit A is a true and correct copy of a screenshot from Tomlinson’s Twitter account, located at the following URL, which was downloaded on July 27, 2021:
• [URL]https://twitter.com/stealthygeek/status/1154835158773719041[/URL].
In relevant part, Exhibit A states:
“Last September, I became the target of a coordinated harassment campaign organized by alt-right trolls on Reddit. I wasn't aware of their existence until the night of the 14th when my account was suspended. But it wasn't long before we found their base. 2/”
7. Attached hereto as Exhibit B is a true and correct copy of a screenshot from Tomlinson’s Twitter account, located at the following URL, which was downloaded on July 27, 2021:
• [URL]https://twitter.com/stealthygeek/status/1348121882747424770[/URL].
In relevant part, Exhibit B states:
“By the way both of those ‘permanent’ suspensions were the result of mass false reporting attacks by the people cyberstalking me and a complete institutional failure of Twitter's moderation systems that were only resolved via legal action.
I can't and won't help real Nazis.”
8. Attached hereto as Exhibit C is a true and correct copy of a screenshot of an archived posting from Tomlinson’s Twitter account, located at the following URL, which was downloaded on July 27, 2021:
• [URL]https://archive.is/uk2cN#selection-4817.0-4817.224[/URL].
In relevant part, Exhibit C states:
“Not at all. The opposite is true.
The ONLY thing that stops Nazis is violence. The ONLY thing that keeps them down is violence.
Coddling their free speech rights only helps build rhem back up to committing genocide faster.”
9. Attached hereto as Exhibit D is a true and correct copy of a screenshot of an
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archived posting from Tomlinson’s Twitter account, located at the following URL, which was downloaded on July 27, 2021:
• [URL]https://archive.is/3NECs#selection-3021.0-3021.147[/URL].
In relevant part, Exhibit D states:
“I get this a lot. The problem is any public, televised ‘debate’ I would have with any of these Nazis would end with them dead, and me under arrest.”
10. Attached hereto as Exhibit E is a true and correct copy of a screenshot of an archive posting from Tomlinson’s Twitter account, located at the following URL, which was downloaded on July 27, 2021:
• [URL]https://archive.is/jzuM5#selection-3687.0-3687.204[/URL].
In relevant part, Exhibit E states:
“I'm not tolerant. I never claimed to be tolerant. One of my hallmarks is how undeterred by and prepared for violence I am. It's kinda part of my brand. Maybe know whom you are addressing before speaking.”
11. Attached hereto as Exhibit F is a true and correct copy of a screenshot of an archived posting from Tomlinson’s Twitter account, located at the following URL, which was downloaded on July 27, 2021:
• [URL]https://archive.is/Trqzy#selection-4065.0-4065.20[/URL]. In relevant part, Exhibit F states:
“Death to my enemies.”
12. Attached hereto as Exhibit G is a true and correct copy of a screenshot of an archived posting from Tomlinson’s Twitter account, located at the following URL, which was downloaded on July 27, 2021:
• [URL]https://archive.is/K3pAO#selection-4521.0-4536.2[/URL].
In relevant part, Exhibit G states:
“Like this CCW [concealed carry weapon], baby doll? [image of Tomlinson holding a handgun]”
13. The statements above lead me to believe that Tomlinson would engage in some form of violence against me if my identity were to be disclosed to Tomlinson.
14. Tomlinson has published several statements on Twitter that evidence his goal of
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shutting down OnA Forums. As an example, attached hereto as Exhibit H is a true and correct copy of a screenshot from Tomlinson’s Twitter account, located at the following URL, which was
downloaded on July 26, 2021:
• [URL]https://twitter.com/stealthygeek/status/1419030086603399172[/URL]. In relevant part, Exhibit H states:
“Oh but ending your group is exactly what we’re doing, stlaker.”
15. Attached hereto as Exhibit I is a true and correct copy of a screenshot from Tomlinson’s Twitter account, located at the following URL, which was downloaded on July 26,
• [URL]https://twitter.com/stealthygeek/status/1302015900716068864[/URL] In relevant part, Exhibit I states:
“Shut down the web forum run by a group of obsessed cyberstlakers dedicated to a two year crusade of targeted harassment against me? I'm working on it, but I am genuinely confused why you think I have an off switch for it, and why I haven't used it yet.”
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.