I haven't done compound lifts in 18 months and did ten reps of 180 lbs fairly easily


Which way?! Medium or well done?
Bro, you're wrong, but you're not wrong. You're right in the fact that if you lift on a regular basis, benching 250 is not an unobtainable goal. You're also not wrong that you get that muscle memory and even when you slack off for weeks/months, it comes back fairly quickly.

But you're wrong in assuming Pat is a "guy who lifts". Look at him. He doesn't have the physique of someone who ever lifted on a regular basis. His arms and legs are scrawny af, he has no traps. His torso is bloated, there's no delts or even the hint of lats. His "pecks" are bitch tits. There is literally nothing at all about him that says "this is a guy who worked out at one time"


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
I'll answer this seriously -- exercises that activate multiple muscle groups at the same time... squats, deadlifts, bench press, pull ups....

it's what you should do to be strong, child.
I learn something from the brothamen/ladies every day.

Most brotosauri simply refer to that as 'lifting weights.'

Long ago, child NigSam could leg press #1,125.