I can’t remember, is this Tits or the Worm?


The Fugitive
she's literally scrolling through her clients list trying to find someone capable of offering her more money while he is opening up to her about his personal life like he's in love


Still spreading the O&A virus
AND he looks like something you'd find under an overturned rock. If Jimmy ever finds a woman who can tolerate being in the same room with him, he should hang on to her like grim death. But it seems highly unlikely.
But that is the key thing. Norton is not into women. He is into men. He is a homosexual just like Anthony and Sue Lightning. The classic term for them being 'faggots'. They might use pills to get it up for women or fake it in some other way. But neither Anthony nor Norton likely ever had any intention of being with women.

When I listen back to Anthony talk about his relationships or Norton talk about his relationships or using hookers it all seems so hilarious. Because both of them were likely homosexuals at that point completely. Norton being molested as a child and that ruining him. And Anthony having sex with Treefort Richard (which happened according to Danny Ross).

If Norton or Anthony wanted to appear straight they would pay a beard $50K a year to appear as their girlfriend or wife like celebrities or politicians do.

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry
Norton definitely isn’t gay. His gay stories are as believable as his drinking stories. The guy made up an entire persona to be interesting because otherwise he is a 5’2” 250lb zilch that doesn’t even drink.

Cumia is certainly a fag.


Norton definitely isn’t gay. His gay stories are as believable as his drinking stories. The guy made up an entire persona to be interesting because otherwise he is a 5’2” 250lb zilch that doesn’t even drink.

Cumia is certainly a fag.
His drunk gay voice only came out after taking Sue's goo.

based and white pilled

America, be very careful.
Norton definitely isn’t gay. His gay stories are as believable as his drinking stories. The guy made up an entire persona to be interesting because otherwise he is a 5’2” 250lb zilch that doesn’t even drink.

Cumia is certainly a fag.
Norton has relationships with women and sex with men and I got news for ya

That means ya gay.
