How does this retarded fuck have the fastest growing podcast right now?


I have a face like a shovel
Unless you are talking about MGS V then you could even argue it's not Big Boss!

"Intellectual Dark Web" is the ultimate "fake it til you make it".

I'm retarded? No no no, it's the (((establishment))) trying to discredit me. Money, please!


Someone on here had some evidence that he overblows (to put it nicely) his MIT credentials and that he taught a paid summer program once or something, but likes to act like he's a member of the faculty.

I realised he was a mong when he tweeted that he'd had a great night because he ate steak and eggs in a diner and the waitress had been nice to him. Really? The woman who works for tips smiled at you, dummy? He probably brings his own plastic cutlery in a ziplock bag everywhere with him