He got up at 4:30 AM to fire off a Bezos Bad tweet


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.

I've never seen anybody so obsessed with billionaires as this miserable failure. His entire life is consumed by anger and jealousy towards people that have no impact on his life.

Btw I guarantee this hypocritical fuck constantly orders off Amazon and not mention, uses their infrastructure to sell his worthless novels.


Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Nice Obama take, stupid. This person lives in MKE where roads are shit everywhere, the postal service is a joke only there to keep retards in jobs, and the military (mostly highly secretive and private companies) created the internet and only gave us access afterwords. In other words the government is as retarded as he is fat.


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
I'd have trouble sleeping too if I'd just pissed away tens of thousands of someone else's money on a frivolous, unwinnable lawsuit which only serves to further my reputation as the world's most eminent lolcow.
Tubby is probably fucking Nikis mom, look at him he has sexual dynamo written all over him, Pat not a Gigolo but a Jigglelo