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An index of all existing Hate Megathreads, as many fall back to the 10th+ page after a few days of no replies and can be hard to find. There's many duplicates of which the largest of each is listed here. Please LMK of ones created in the future or that I somehow missed so that they can be added here. Pls pin @ jannies (diaper jannies
) Hate:
People Hate:
Individuals Hate:
Things Hate:
Some notable entries we're currently missing:
Stay Stinky, Patriots!


Nigger Hate Thread #1

Pajeet Hate Thread

Kike Hate Thread

Post all faggotry here. Trannies, faggots, gender fluid. It's all relevant.

White wahmen hate thread

The Turk Hate Thread

Something's "off" about Canadians. They're goofy, dramatical, crazy, "unreal" people... and that's coming from an American. South Park pegged Canadians correctly. Canuckers pretend to like banter but if you try to give them a little jovial tease they flip out. "Just some french fries for me...


Irish hate thread

NY/NJ Italian hate thread
most annoying fucking people in the planet. we get it, you’re italian (but don’t speak it)! we get it, you’re nonna made the best rigatoni! we get it, you’re an actual tough guy because you saw black people on the L train! shut up, stupid gindaloons.

Spic hate thread
Since there is no spic hate thread yet, I'll get it started with this literal cunt stain: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12248363/Alexee-Trevizo-smiles-prom-three-months-dumping-baby-trash.html That simp boyfriend needs to dump her in a trash can, and then take another dump on top...

Asian hate thread
They also made history by becoming the sluttiest ever K-pop band, using this gig poster for the event:

China Hate Thread
The gooks need more of a trashing. The face on this guy….. Oh yeah these fuckers make tons of cheap shit that breaks down in less than a year or two and go to the toilet in squatters. One of many examples: Scamming is very much a part of the culture too. Discuss.

Native American Hate Thread
They don't get enough badmouthing. This mass of land was apparently inhabited by sick fucks now trying to retcon history like they were noble warriors. They are a schizo/BPD species who think they were born innocent, and all their dead relatives are speaking to them through the weather. They...

People Hate:
For all the great conquests, adventures, and inventions we sure do carry the load of faggotry as well.

Conservative Hate Thread

Remember when you were a kid and thought your teachers were terrible? Then the school or your parents would gaslight you with, "You have to respect your teachers! They know best." No, it turns out they really are terrible. There is a subreddit for teachers (r/teachers, ya kiddin?) and it's...

Working with women HATE thread
Working with women rules in blue collar lower stakes jobs, easy pickings, constant supply of new women every few weeks...but in white collar professional environments it's fucking terrible. They never pull their weight, they gang up, never take responsibility or ownership, they gossip and spread...

Fat People HATE thread
Title is self-explanatory Are you thinking, "stifflersmom, you fucking faggot, shut the fuck up. stupid ass thread" ...not my problem, eat less fatty! simple as.

Fat women hate thread

Recovering addict hate thread
I live in south Florida the recovery capital and I am no stranger to the community having spent 3 years in treatment myself These people are brainfried and a waste and should have od'ed. When I was in a sober living house one of the girls was tricking she would tell guys they couldn't come to...

Feminism Hate Thread

Libtard Hate Thread

Disabled people hate thread.

Boomer Hate Thread

Ugly people hate thread.
You are on the outside what you are on the inside. That I am sure of.

Short men HATE thread. Only comment if you are over 6ft.
Those muscles aren’t going to make up for your height, faggots.

Tall people hate thread. Post here if you're 5'8 to 5'11.
Nothing shorter than that though, we don't want freaky Joe Rogans and shit in here.

Normie Hate Thread
I DESPISE them. Look at these fucking sheeple. I bet they've never even heard of Opie & Anthony or know about Whip 'Em Out Wednesdays. They wouldn't get any of our deep fawkin' references to a dead radio show. Simpletons all of them, I pity them!

Tattoo HATE Thread
Definitely the most cringe trend in the past 20 years. It's going to be hilarious when all the grandmas and grandpas have these dogshit tats, and their grandkids don't to rebel against the norm of having tattoos. It will look outdated, like wearing a suit to the beach does now. Obviously a...

Parent HATE thread
I'm talking about parents who somehow have their kids rot their brains through constant sleep deprivation and other kinds of abuse. I work with these fellows and instead of doing work, they seem to come in the office to bitch about their spouse, make jokes about child feces and other wacky...

Female "Comedian" Hate Thread
Some women are occasionaly funny by accident. Many more, however, are not. Post their antics here for all to enjoy. https://www.hercampus.com/school/akron/my-experience-doing-stand-up/ College girl learns the hard way that people only laugh at her because she has a halfway decent rack and a...

Gum chewers hate thread
There are 2 people in my gym who chew gum. Theyre both joe rogan size manlets. How do you reach adulthood and not realize gum chewing makes you look like a faggot? Wear sunglasses indoors while youre at it. I've got a good feeling this thread will put up da numbahs and give the nigger and kike...

People who hate cats aren't people, they are lower than dirt. My cats would eliminate them on sight.

Adult males who catch foul ball at baseball game and don't give it to a kid sitting next to them HATE thread
Tha fuck ya doin'?!

'NEW' O&A Fans HATE Thread
They have one joke... "Hi OPIE!!!" You'll see someone under their real name innocently commenting on Opie, then the lonely anonymous haters crawl from the Patrice and Louis CK compilation area of YouTube to poison the well of information for O&A fans by bashing the creator of the O&A brand...

Individuals Hate:
Faggot/ Will Ferrell Hate Thread
His career has taken such a nosedive he's literally hanging around frat kids now as the last group that still thinks he's funy

Elon Musk hate Thread.
He's a hypoctytical, piss poor inventor, and has an ego bigger than 44 billion dollars.

Michael Imperioli Hate Thread
We are overdue for one https://nypost.com/2024/08/31/entertainment/sopranos-star-michael-imperioli-bashed-for-posting-photos-of-kamala-harris/

Lucy Lawless Hate Thread
Apparently she hated doing action scenes on Xena. Who would've thought? https://www.thewrap.com/lucy-lawless-always-hated-doing-action-scenes-on-xena/ Wonder what else she hates...

Redbar "Hate" Thread
I know I am being a contrarian here but there's something really off and evil about him. Idk what and I can't pinpoint but there's some real slimyness that I get from him, Almost like Sam Roberts. He says he hates the "woke" and claims to be apolitical but rarely makes fun of anyone on the...

Dwayne Johnson Hate Thread
I hate this annoying faggot and his acting sucks. Him being the highest paid actor in Hollywood shows has how far entertainment standards in this country have declined. But he was also a faggot long before that.

Wes Anderson Hate Thread
Worst filmmaker alive. Never has made a good movie and gets by because his shitty brand of quirky humor is liked by gay hipster faggots.

The John Oliver Hate Thread
See how long you can make it into this. Anyone who enjoys this show needs to be waterboarded.

Bill Maher hate thread:
Every week I see a new clip of this faggot and it enrages me. I think it’s time for a Bill Maher hate thread. I HATE THIS FAGGOT!!!

Blaire White Hate Thread
A tranny... Who's le based?!!!! Can it do that?! Fuck off, no amount of claiming woke people are dumb dumbs will undo the damage you're doing to the world by being a public figure.

Things Hate:
Post Commercials or Ads that you fucking hate or think would piss off Nick Di Paolo. This retarded Army National Guard commercial just annoyed the fuck out of me with this fast running bitch with her tits flopping around and the 2 slow faggots behind her. "The Next Greatest Generation Is Now."...

Pitbull Hate Thread
I’m so sick of faggot fucking dog owners that treat these bloodthirsty mongrels like children and think everyone else should love them too. I went for a run the other day and this cunt was out in her yard with her pit who was off leash of course. I passed by on the sidewalk and this fuckin thing...

Life Hate Thread
Life was completely fucking shit for me for a long long time. Then for a very short time it was fawkin great. Now it's fuckin shit again. How do I get back to the good times? I wish my life was so fucking meaningless and uneventful that some nonsense shit like roe vs wade or trump/biden in...

Technology Hate Thread
Can't do da technologicals no more bothermen. Every thing now requires a new app, a new password, a new username. It's almost too much to deal wit sometimes...and in da end....your completely alone wit it all. If you ask me this is all just some form of MIND CONTROL :fighter_lg:

Big tits hate thread
anything bigger than a 34C the chick is likely fat/has been fat/will be fat. You cant do shit with tits. They just look good in public. Tit fucking isnt even fun. Ass is everything. The be all end all. Eat it clap it smack it fuck it Only patricians know. and now for the prole taste:

Women's sports hate thread
I'm not going to post this in the tranny hate thread because I'm all in wit da trannies ruining women's sports. It's well deserved after women ruined men's sports with Title IX and nobody cared. Women just don't have the skills to drop a tranny--in the shop or on the field. They also need to...

Breaking Bad HATE THREAD
Show can be very stupid at times. Very cringe too. No many scenes seem stiff and unnatural.

Star Wars Hate Thread
Obviously I liked it as a kid and the special effects were great for the time. However it’s been beaten into the ground. The past six (SIX!) movies have been terrible, lazy and designed to sell toys. They’re cynically made garbage to squeeze money out of childhood nostalgia. What’s worse than...

Red Hot Chili Peppers Hate Thread
A teenage bride with a baby inside getting high on information. What the fuck does that even mean? Nice lyrics stupid. Also - Anthony Keidis admits in his book that he dated a 14 year old when he was 23.

Tears of the Kingdom Hate Thread
I tried to give this shit a chance. Possibly the most boring thing I've ever played. Remember when video games were supposed to be fun? Not prancing through a breezy whimsical meadow collecting sticks? I knew I was in for a bad time when Zelda started talking with an aggravating british accent...

Kayak Hate Thread
Looks fucking stupid wearing a helmet and life jacket when going kayaking Pussies............

Donut Hate Thread
I haven't tasted a good donut since I was a kid. They're all shit to fucking shit now.

Music HATE thread

Steak sandwich hate thread
Aw sweet! I get to bite into this thing and then a huge piece of fat prevents me from taking a complete bite, so when I pull my mouth away the fucking top piece of toast just complete rips off. Fuck you!!! NIGGER!

Internet Hate:Internet "Celebrity" Hate Thread
Post who you wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. I'll start. ... This hate might be borderline unhealthy on my part.

Bloat hate thread
99% of the shit that comes installed on phones is worthless. This piece of shit constantly needs software updates for stuff I guarantee isn't to fix security flaws, it's just an update for useless bloat that I don't even want in the first place. Sign in to this... use this app to approve your...

Reddit Hate Thread

Redlettermedia hate thread
Every time I go to their channel it's some gay shit I don't care about like another star trek video. Everyone on that show is a pedophile except Mike, jay, and rich. Jay has constantly recommended "great independent films" and i watch them and they're fucking SHIT. They're friends with...

Youtube tutorials hate thread
I often have to turn to a video tutorial if I need help figuring out a knitting stitch or embroidery technique, etc. You're forced to look at others' hands when it comes to these kinds of tutorials. I cannot stand it when people have either; Indian accents, shitty accents of any other kind...

Some notable entries we're currently missing:
- Muslim Hate Thread
- Internet Christian Hate Thread
- Australian/Kiwi Hate Thread
- Daniel Mullen (who wears diapers btw) Hate Thread
- Boq Hate Thread/Megathread (diaper jannies merging all gay threads from him/paul into it)
- Indonesian/Cambodian Hate Thread
- Anti-Diaper Activist/Terrorist Hate Thread
- Toilet HATE Thread
- Toilet User Hate Thread
Stay Stinky, Patriots!

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