Has This Airbnb Been Posted?

Faggot Boqposter

Dangerously sassy
Apparently Reddit got hold of this already. Just found this on r/airbnb


Sue Lightning


Pat, if you're reading this: you're an obese nigger.
So for those who don’t know the $99 is the “flat fee” and the price raises based on demand. Here’s what staying 5 nights at the hovel would cost you:


Jeesssus christ. Thats about $176 a night for 5 nights and this price obviously raises per guest.

So then the question is how much is Rick collecting? AirBNB taxes 3% of the subtotal to the owner, so a $1,185 reservation would net Rick about $1,100 flat in profit…

but wait!

You then need to take $1,100 and subtract taxes. And rent. And utilities. And cleaning the place. And stocking it with amenities and basic living supplies like toilet paper, trash bags, etc. THEN he needs to pay CAPITAL GAINS TAXES on this. So subtract however high a % that is.

He’s making no money.