Guy who read The Ark is baffled by sexy asian bots

White nigger slayer

Howdy, sassy white niggers!
Maybe don't do this.


Stand Alone Fruit
This guy reminds me of my cousin that’s about 60. His wife of 30 plus years died last year and now he’s doing the whole internet dating / dating apps thing while being a complete retard when it comes to technology (his wife did all that stuff for him) and he’s already been scammed at least 3 times through dating sites / apps that we know about in the past couple months. I’m sure it’s closer to 7.


-Former DMANIC
That post was sarcastic right? As long as its a joke i dont see why not
Of course it was…

Though I hope the FBI called every Chinese scammer there is and asked if any stalkers impersonated Patrick S Tomlinson and mentioned rape.