Get beheaded you whispering sand monkey


Joe's Filipino Supervisor

Hey, retard. If it's so bad for women in Terroristland THEN FUCKING GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.

"I have to whisper so they don't hear me talking about how I break all their laws. I sure hope they don't see this video that I made sure my face was in 98% of. Pray for me."

Just leave, cunt.

Please America send your children back to Afghanistan to be maimed and murdered for another 20 years!



Hey, retard. If it's so bad for women in Terroristland THEN FUCKING GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.

"I have to whisper so they don't hear me talking about how I break all their laws. I sure hope they don't see this video that I made sure my face was in 98% of. Pray for me."

Just leave, cunt.
WWAW reporting her for breaking laws?

Anyone want the contact forms for the "Emirate of Afghanistan" (Taliban's official name) me


The Backbone of America
this bitch talking slightly above a whisper is annoying the fuck out of me for some reason
I thought she was doing it because she was in an Afghan hotel trying bravely not let them know that she was laughing at their laws, but I watched other videos of hers and that's apparently just how she talks. If she spoke to me in person like that I'd do the Hulk Hogan hand to the ear and be like "HEH????" like my grandfather.
Aw c'mon guys, be cool. It's not like they were explicitly warned that's what would happen and to take their own defense seriously because if their enemy swept in they'd be right back to caveman times or something.

You don't like that we gave them all the tools to build a society and they didn't lift a finger to help themselves?