Funniest post from the subreddit


Credit goes to @aRTie02150 for posting this in one of our gay sex secret chats. This must never be lost.

WWAWD this black nerd is @DMAN
My goodness was that a very funny day. The post was no more than a few minutes old when someone zoomed in and found the photographer. The nigga never posted again. I still haven't paid the ER bill for my broken ribs.
Definitely it was so fucking fast. And then the immediate reposts zoomed in on the reflection just titled "Faggot" or "Nigger".

Everyone transfer your ribs to Artie

@LingerLonger @'THE NIGGER MAN' @TheGhostOfBernellTrammell @Josef Kuminski @BUBBLER @Sue Lightning


I'd give him my blood, except for one thing...

John Wayne Gacy

Patrick's real father
Too many to count, but Anthony's rant after he bombed at the roast. That was the straw that broke the camel's back as far as I'm concerned. I even recall a comment warning him "this won't end well for you" or something to that effect.

Also the book signing and watching Joe make a complete jackass out of himself and his brother in real time.
🎶Glory Days---bum ba da da dum, bum ba da da dum---Glory Days🎶

Ps Terry Clifford's face turn was the bees knees.
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Summer breeze fuckin' makes me feel fi-hiiine
One of my personal favorite moments from the sub was when Artie posted a doodle of Anthony or Sam and he was like "I fucked up on the hair because I was distracted talking to a coworker." Which means people saw him doing his doodles of obscure radio faggots at work and he didn't give a fuck at all. I imagine the interaction was like this:

"What're you drawing there, Artie?"


"Can I see it?"


"Who is it?"


"...Okay... Well, have a good day, Artie"


And then he just stared at the guy until he walked away and never stopped doodling.