Found A Potential New Guest for Nana's Nigger Hatin Hour

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile
Has nothing to do with Anthony Cumia. Just more unfunny leftist garbage that is ruining the Comedy forum. You have the entire rest of the internet selfish asshole.
Again, mocking a pedo; nothing wrong with it. This site has the unfortunate association with being called a “hate site”. Ya know what can change that perception; making sure people with views LIKE Anthony and Missy, etc aren’t welcome in society.
They can hate blacks, Jewish people gays and anyone they feel doesn’t pass the “white test” all they want/tweet about all they want. They have right, but fun part about it is people have right to know who is living in there town and whose teaching there kids at some dojo.