Felony food orders

Lard Glug

Lard Glug contains neither lard nor glug.
So let’s say corporate Domino’s couldn’t help him blacklist his address system wide. How many locations could possibly be in his delivery zone? One, MAYBE two if you ask nice because the close one sucks. So how about call the two locations, be nice to them and explain the situation, and they’ll probably happily work with you to save both sides time and money.

Conversely, he could just screech into the void for several years basking in the limelight of being a victim.


OA Army General
I just love how he's lowering the stakes. Stolen chairs! Nazi paint! and then.....a grill that wasn't stolen, followed by wacky food order phone scams.

Waiting for "Welp, my stalkers just called me and said I won 100 grand. Sounds good, right? (1/444)"
"100 grand! Oh my God! I'm the winner, I am the winner! Oh man I've got this cherry car named Susan that can haul ten bags of dirt, I gotta buy the trunk upgrade so it can hold 20 bags!"

"How ya gonna do that with a candy bar?"

"Aw fuck awfffffffffff, you guys are a bunch of douchebags!"

Crith Boqth

Multifacted, Beautiful, and Quaint
This is such bullshit. I had a pizza ordered to my house as a prank and for the next like year anytime i tried ordering one they had to confirm it was me. Now granted I don’t live in niggertown like Pat where I assume these pizza places have high turnover, but are you seriously telling me they don’t have a system with his address written down saying “Do not deliver to this guy under any circumstances”. Dominos just love making pizzas , spending time delivering them, and not getting paid for them i guess
Jenna like behavior to make every thread about you