Fat blob Shane Nokes returns... to attack Leslie


Stand Alone Fruit
Didn't this loser not actually work directly for Microsoft or whatever? Wasn't he some nothing employee at a retail store reseller until he decided work sucks and he's going to be an obese disabled person?
Something like that - I think he started as a game tester which was third party I believe. He claimed there were large gaps / vague spots of his resume because he was doing very important work for the FBI, CIA, and Secret Service which we know was a lie. I bet he will be posting gross shirtless selfies by the end of the week


Stand Alone Fruit
The bragging about working for Microsoft thing is just so weird I wonder if he has genuinely impressed a single soul with that one.
It’s the highlight of his entire pathetic life. After they fired / laid him off he decided he could never work anywhere again so he “retired” from working and went on disability.


It’s 2024 and he’s showing people a W2 from almost 10 years ago.

Clint Ruin

I'm sorry, who are you?
Within the space of a handful of tweets he claimed to be on some sort of high end Microsoft software team and also told someone his career was about imprisoning pedophiles. He's totally deranged.
I 100% guarantee you that Shane was who was responsible for pulling the subpeonaed account information for someone grooming kids and now acts like he was a part of a task force.


Stand Alone Fruit
I 100% guarantee you that Shane was who was responsible for pulling the subpeonaed account information for someone grooming kids and now acts like he was a part of a task force.
He claimed when telling Pats toilet was going to prison for at least 35 years he’s personally helped the CIA, the FBI, and the Secret Service take down very serious criminals. He believes this because he’s a giant retard.


You are not a glowie. You are just stupid.
This faggotretard didnt work for Microsoft, he worked for another company that Microsoft would contract out to playtest some of their games. Thats who Shane worked for. He played Fable 2 early, one of the shittiest games ever with a terrible ending. Faggot homosexual, fat psychotic loser. Dead mom having idiot.
Shane also asked for nudes of an underaged girl on Facebook. I'm glad he's back, although I miss all the "I'm not mad 🤣"
He got his dental care at a homeless shelter or whatever then left a shitty review cause they called him fat. He also tried to scam some companies out of a garbage, Chinese, bedframe his fat ass broke







This guy is one of the most disgusting, dysgenic freak in the extended gut Patverse