Do Mexicans lower property values?


Would you buy a home in a small town that has gone from 20% to 30% to 40% Mexican decade-by-decade? The town I'm talking about doesn't have a nigger problem.

Does a large presence of Mexicans pretty much guarantee the future of a small town is done for?


Fan of the Era
Would you buy a home in a small town that has gone from 20% to 30% to 40% Mexican decade-by-decade? The town I'm talking about doesn't have a nigger problem.

Does a large presence of Mexicans pretty much guarantee the future of a small town is done for?
It probably guarantees increasing gang/drug related crime. It will be difficult or impossible to avoid the loud, shitty outdoor music. They're generally really inconsiderate neighbors. Recreational spots will be taken over by them as well. It kind of sucks.


Value either plummets or skyrockets, one extreme or the other. With the Mexicans you're really rolling the dice on when your neighborhood becomes a barrio hellhole or they dramatically improve the appearance of the entire place in what seems to be no time.
What state are you in? That'll likely determine it.
It's a small town in the midwest. The county is semi-rural. I believe it all began decades ago with agriculture attracting illegals and then they laid eggs. A lot of eggs. Now the high school is over 50% Mexican.

It's relatively inexpensive to live here but I'm just wondering (pretty much know, though) if it's a lost cause knowing that the town will inevitably blight into a stinky, bankrupt place with lots of Mexican restaurants and auto shops but no actual thriving economy/future.

B.F. Wellington

Depends on the Mexicans. I've seen Mexicans move in landscape the yard and fix up & paint a house better than it ever was. Then I've seen Mexicans move in and let the house fall apart, park on the front lawn, and play loud shitty music all day & night.

Sue Lightning

If you’re talking about homes i’m not sure. But if you own an apartment complex and start to see Mexicans moving in you better sell your shit. I’ve seen it happen:

Neighborhood full of illegals with a handful of whites. The whites have structural issues with the apartment and complain. Landlords don’t do shit to force them to move out. The whites move out and they move more illegals into that building. Because they’ll pay cash, you can ask them to pay whatever, and you don’t have to fix shit for them. Who the fuck are they gonna tell if they think you’re exploiting them? Time to call ICE!