Did Kevin Smith get an Opie eye lift?

Pot rotted his brain, same with Rogan
I enjoy some devil's lettuce every now and again myself, but rarely to the point where I'm filming myself weeping like a little girl over some gay retarded comic book movie. Waking up every day and immediately getting baked to the gills on super-potent weed products is going to eventually have a detrimental effect, whether such people are willing to admit it or not. Guys like Smith and Rogen like to pretend it's a magical mind and body tonic that makes everything way better, but of course they think that, as they're fried out of their minds at the time.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
It doesn't surprise me. Good cuts of steak have a staggering amount of protein, more than most people require. Egg yolks contain choline, which is a great nutrient that you just don't get from much else. Bacon is higher in fat which nourishes the brain and regulates hormones. He's getting a great amount of fat anyway through the streak and eggs.

If he's drinking booze meaning liquor as opposed to beer... well, liquor doesn't necessarily diminish test and could round out the calories he requires because liquor is high in calories, but practically zero in carbs and sugar. Beer is estrogenic because wheat and hops are estrogenic; even beef that is predominantly grain-fed is estrogenic.

Seriously... you eat like a man, you'll be a man.

Not as crazy as it sounds. Italians eat a shitload of pasta and bread dipped in oil and balsamic. They're argumentative, crazy people in general. They developed this diet out of starvation, but have kept with it even once they have enough money for meat (spaghetti bolognese... a digestive nightmare).

These people live a long time, sure, but so do the Chinese. And the Chinese ate a lot of rice. Now, the Chinese are becoming diabetic. And look at your average chink man: diminutive, prematurely balding in some cases, and not telling their squawking wife to shut the fuck up.

Choline is a very big deal. When I skip eggs for a day (which admittedly isn't often) I supplement with a pill. And good, uncured bacon is a powerhouse of protein and fats; mix them with greens like a cooked spinach or steamed kale and you actually help increase the absorption of the nutrients in the vegetables. Just cook them all in an avocado or coconut oil (high temp) or grass fed butter/olive oil (low to medium temp). If you have a good Vitamin D pill, use that in the morning with a meal combo such as this - it goes a long way.

I've read certain doctors that think you can have too much protein, and I think that's possible, but most people don't even come close. The key thing is getting natural protein, clean fats, grass fed & finished beef and chicken, good uncured bacon, very little sugar (pure stevia or monkfruit extract is ok as long as it's in other good ingredients), and water. Lots of water. As a man who lives on black coffee, water is necessary.

However, your comment on liquor - yes, liquor is always the better choice compared to beer and even wine. But unless you go with clear liquors, there are higher carbs in whiskeys, rums and scotch. The clear ones will be lowest, like a good gin or vodka. Not my favorites, I'm always pro whiskey, but you pick your fights, you know?

I guess what I'm saying is Kevin Smith is more of a woman than his own daughter. I guarantee she sees him cry at the Shang Chi trailer and asks why she was born with two mommies.
All I know is practically every time you see a special forces guy (even retired in their 50s) they almost always have a thick, full head of hair. I personally know one guy who's ex SBS (UK equivalent of seal team 6) and is in his 50s and working private security. Dude has a head of hair that any 20 year old would be proud of. Now that you mention it he seems to live off steak, bacon and eggs and booze. Not very scientific observations on my part, I know, but what the hey.
I know a guy who eats meatloaf and corn and has breasts.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Choline is a very big deal. When I skip eggs for a day (which admittedly isn't often) I supplement with a pill. And good, uncured bacon is a powerhouse of protein and fats; mix them with greens like a cooked spinach or steamed kale and you actually help increase the absorption of the nutrients in the vegetables. Just cook them all in an avocado or coconut oil (high temp) or grass fed butter/olive oil (low to medium temp). If you have a good Vitamin D pill, use that in the morning with a meal combo such as this - it goes a long way.

I've read certain doctors that think you can have too much protein, and I think that's possible, but most people don't even come close. The key thing is getting natural protein, clean fats, grass fed & finished beef and chicken, good uncured bacon, very little sugar (pure stevia or monkfruit extract is ok as long as it's in other good ingredients), and water. Lots of water. As a man who lives on black coffee, water is necessary.

However, your comment on liquor - yes, liquor is always the better choice compared to beer and even wine. But unless you go with clear liquors, there are higher carbs in whiskeys, rums and scotch. The clear ones will be lowest, like a good gin or vodka. Not my favorites, I'm always pro whiskey, but you pick your fights, you know?

I guess what I'm saying is Kevin Smith is more of a woman than his own daughter. I guarantee she sees him cry at the Shang Chi trailer and asks why she was born with two mommies.
You have to experiment and find out what works best.

The thing about too much protein may be true, but not likely. Arnold Schwarzenegger was said to be drinking 40 eggs a day in his prime... did he get sick? How much is too much protein? With fat and cholesterol, if you ingest too much you'll just shit it out.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
You have to experiment and find out what works best.

The thing about too much protein may be true, but not likely. Arnold Schwarzenegger was said to be drinking 40 eggs a day in his prime... did he get sick? How much is too much protein? With fat and cholesterol, if you ingest too much you'll just shit it out.

Yes, but Arnold is an outlier compared to most. He was always building and improving his body - therefore, excess protein was a necessity.

Your average person, especially in America, wheezes walking outside. Protein in excess for them will just turn to fat. If someone is moderately active, or active just enough, the protein on a keto diet can still be beneficial, ideally if you keep it well under 100 grams.

Nearly everything I intake besides water, coffee, and I'm lying in bed writing this here so don't kill me going from memory (it's 4:30 am here in Poznan) I think my oils, have protein. I know I intake a lot, but when I'm working it's beneficial. Stuck at home for too long is when it feels miserable.

I guess what I'm saying is Jason Mewes is lucky he's not dead, but I think being attached to the hip with a guy like Kevin Smith is it's own kind of hell.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Your average person, especially in America, wheezes walking outside. Protein in excess for them will just turn to fat. If someone is moderately active, or active just enough, the protein on a keto diet can still be beneficial, ideally if you keep it well under 100 grams.
I just think the sugar and carbs make people - and Americans especially - fat. I've been in ketosis consuming 140 grams of protein with no exercise, and that's when I feel at my best. 140 grams is excessive, but it didn't hurt.

Right now I'm having less protein and fresh orange juice for breakfast, so I'm not in ketosis but I'm getting detoxed. I feel fine. Unnatural sugars are what's killing us, along with eating carbs and not working them off. Too much protein... I dunno, it could be true that it's bad, but I felt great with a lot of it.