Dictator Pat


I take it back.

Stalin was at least an interesting guy.

Trained as a priest as a young man - so got the control thing down.

Cunt hound stud of a guy, despite being a midget.

Graduated to literal bandit and murderer.

All this before he was 30.

Then navigated one of the most paranoid, fickle and arbitrary political movements in human history, only to come out on top.

Pat can't even avoid homelessness without a woman looking after him.


He's probably stomping about the hovel right now LARPing a furious President Biden/Tomlinson scenario. "Oh what's that Steve Bannion, you're now begging on your hands and knees not to be extradited to Russia? Well you should have thought of that BEFORE you betrayed America!"
"You're right President Tomlinson, and you're also not fat at all."