Dan Mullen fired from Insight Software. Lawsuit incoming...


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
You don't think a guy who is obsessed with wrasslin' and story lines would say something fake just to get a reaction, do you?

"So, ummmm, sources say that Dan, uh, really upset the higher ups, yeah. Ok? So, they didn't take kindly to one of their own, um, going into business for himself. Kinda thought he was a Bruiser Brody when, uhhhhh, he's more like a Brooklyn Brawler. Yeah.

Word was he was about, to uh, ummm, trade in Flavia for a fresh mail order bride, ya know, doing the indie toilet scrubbing scene in the Philippines. But plans changed. Yeah."


Self Styled Brothaman
How could this happen to our glorious leader? I hope he's been stockpiling sinks for a rainy day.

The only thing I hope is that this leads to Flavia's Onlyfans in which she scrubs toilets in the nude for 5 dollars a month to support Dan's jet flying, limousine riding lifestyle.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
How could this happen to our glorious leader? I hope he's been stockpiling sinks for a rainy day.

The only thing I hope is that this leads to Flavia's Onlyfans in which she scrubs toilets in the nude for 5 dollars a month to support Dan's jet flying, limousine riding lifestyle.

One closes deal. The other closes toilet lids. Both make bank, bro.


Stand Alone Fruit