Cumia talks about wanting to jerk off to pictures of a child


jen_tomlinson’s #1 fan
top comment: "she's never heard a joke that edgy"
except it's not a joke, you FUCKING repulsive homunculus. I can't even describe the impalpable, unbridled rage cumia's fans bring me. I'm not being facetious in the slightest when I say I am fully convinced their iq's are no higher than room temperature, and that's fucking insulting coming from a frothing retard like me
she's not lying, definitely ugly ducklinged up to whatever kinda hot mongoloid she is now

Geez! That’s a middle aged woman’s face on a child.


It died on the vine
Can't just let the "joke" sit there and stink up the place, huh? Have to damn near cut yourself off to get away from it.

The only reason he explained it is because he didn't say it in a joking manner and that girl's hackles got raised for a reason. Look at her body language when he says that. She's ready to bolt.

Isn't he over this dumb schtick at this point? We get it, you're a nasty little goblin. This makes me think that he's looking at CP all the time and is needing an outlet to confess. He should slip on his spit and die.