Here's why I liked this story:Has this place really turned so rightwing that we've come to this? You're using the same logic as everyone that whines about any joke made about any minority. What the fuck is even going on here? Holy fuck, there was a time where people here would call you the biggest faggot on here for whining about jokes but now it seems people actually agree with you. Fucking madness.
You sound more like actual fans of Cumia than whatever we used to be.
1. Comedians are faggots.
2. People who passive aggressively talk shit and say "What, you can't take a joke?" are faggots. In this case, it wasn't even passive.
3. People who make sexual comments about kids are faggots, even if they're allegedly making a joke.
4. Someone with the above three qualities getting smacked is enjoyable to see
5. Someone not giving into the fear of living in a litigious, emasculated society and standing up for their family is something I like to see.
Couldn't give a shit about the guy's politics. Not everything is about stupid culture war shit. The other guy was right, you have a very redditor way of looking at things.