Coffee and energy drinks are for weak faggots.


Still spreading the O&A virus
I recently tried a energy drink and all it did was make me sweat shake. 200 mgs of caffeine is way too much.
Energy drinks have replaced cocaine at bars at nightclubs. The caffeine rush is enough to offset a few shots or beers. I like that ultra-caffeinated lemonade that was sold at Panera's that gave a few people heart attacks and killed at least one person. "Charged lemonade".

Fortified Wine

Sweet liquor eases the pain
I would never say out loud to anyone "I need a caffeine fix" but had been drinking shitloads of coffee the last couple years. I've cut down and am hoping to get down to only a cup a month or less. It fries your adrenal glands.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
I would never say out loud to anyone "I need a caffeine fix" but had been drinking shitloads of coffee the last couple years. I've cut down and am hoping to get down to only a cup a month or less. It fries your adrenal glands.

A cup a month? Do you just sip a 1/5th of a thimble a morning or do you go crrraaazy and drink a WHOLE CUP in one day???